Thursday, November 2, 2017

What Color Is Your Parachute? Week 10 - The Perfect Workplace

After the seven petal flower exercise, it helps you determine what is the best place for you as a person to work. Everyone has different preferences for their work environment. For example, some people prefer to work in small offices, big companies, firms, hospitals, working from home, traveling for work, or other work locations. We all have different preferences for where we want to work, it all depends on how you fit into the environment and what makes you feel good about that environment. You want to feel happy and that you belong in a workplace. You never should want to hate going to work or hate the commute to work. Find something that suits you. The seven petal exercise is a perfect way to look for what is the best option for you as a person.

Sometimes it is good to try out different workplaces at a young age, such as in the end or after college. At that age, you can learn about many types of work environments, and see what best suits you so you are prepared for long term jobs. You never want to work in a place you hate and regret it in the future. You always have the option to change, but your best and easiest option would be to start experience early on into your job hunt. Always remember to pick a workplace that you feel you fit best with your coworkers, the work, the commute, the location, and the perfect type of workplace that you love. You want to be passionate about your job, you want to love it, otherwise you will only have regrets!

Requirements of the perfect workplace:

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