Thursday, November 30, 2017

What Color Is Your Parachute? Week 14 - Looking for a job?

Most people are constantly looking for jobs everyday whether it is because you are unemployed and looking for a job or if you are employed but want to find a new job. Sometimes it is hard, because people who have to look at different companies that are hiring to see if they are offering any jobs that interest them, so the process alone takes a while because you have to apply for multiple jobs not just one, because there is never a guarantee you will get a job. You are competing with so  many people from different backgrounds who might be a better fit for a company, so you have to open up your options to a wider range of jobs and different companies.

The great thing today is that their are companies that post on job websites to make your search easy. Most companies post jobs that they are looking to fill on websites such as SnagaJob, Indeed, Glassdoor, LinkedIn, and more. Some even post on social media to get many people aware that they are hiring. You have websites that offer hundreds of different types of jobs with hundreds of companies. They make your search so much easier so you do not even have to look for the company that is hiring, you can all the requirements, the pay scale, and even your job description so you know what job you are applying for. It helps make it easier of what jobs you want to apply and to apply for several different jobs all through one site.

The benefits of job websites:

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