Thursday, November 30, 2017

MKTG 349 - What is SEM?

There are many forms of marketing, such as digital marketing, social media marketing, creative marketing, sales, public relations, and more. However, there is a form of marketing that can benefit so many companies and people who choose to work in it, which is search engine marketing, also known as SEM. Search engine marketing is a mix of search engine optimization and paid searching activities. Many people who are constantly search for millions of different things on the Internet, especially through Google. With search engine marketing, companies have created campaigns to advertise so when people search, they click on the campaign if it matches their search. So, Google has a form of campaign creation site, Google AdWords.

Google AdWords can help benefit so many companies create campaigns and provide it to people to influence them to click and follow their campaigns. With search engine marketing, companies that create campaigns can monitor how well and effective their campaigns do. Monitoring your campaign is a key tool to succeeding at your company. You want to create campaigns and work in search engine marketing because it is a popular form of marketing that is being used by consumers daily. It is a perfect way to communicate what you want people to hear.

Search Engine Marketing:

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