Tuesday, November 14, 2017

MKTG 347 Week 12 - Boost Ads on Facebook

If you are creating a page on Facebook to promote your brand or business, you should try using a boost ad on Facebook to promote. With a boost ad, you can choose specific targets such as demographics to narrow down to who you want you ad to be seen by. For example, you can narrow by age, gender, and location of your main target. It also helps to narrow down to make it easier for the people you want to view your brand by narrowing what they would be interested in. For example, you can narrow by marketing, social media, business, health care, education, law, and more. You pick what relates to your brand the most and what would interest Facebook users the most. These are the examples of requirements you can set for a boost ad on Facebook:

Step 1: Choosing the target audience based on your brand
Step 2: Specifying age limit, gender, location, and interests
 Step 3: Set a budget
 Step 4: Set duration of how long you want the ad to run
 Step 5: Desktop version of Facebook ad
 Step 6: Mobil app version of Facebook Ad
Doing a boost ad for your brand can really help improve how many people see and click on the ad. If you set to it for people who are more interested in seeing this type of promotion. Boosting your ad can get you more likes and followers, it can get people more interested in what you are trying to promote. For all business owners and anyone trying to promote a brand, if they consider using social media for promotions Facebook ads and boosting them can really help make it successful!

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