Tuesday, November 7, 2017

MKTG 347 Week 11 - Monitoring a Facebook Ad

Monitoring your advertisement or campaign on Facebook is necessary when it comes to advertising. After creating your campaign, keep monitoring it to see how well it is doing. You need to see if people are actually seeing your ad through their Facebook page and how many people go to see the campaign. The more people click on your campaign the more attention and success it will bring you. Sometimes you can know that many people are clicking on your campaign due to the pay-per-click function. The advertiser must pay Facebook every time their campaign is clicked on by Facebook users. In a way, the more money you owe, it means the more people choose to click on your campaign when they scroll through their news feed on Facebook.

A great way to test how many clicks your campaign is receiving is to use the click-through-rate formula (CTR). To get the CTR percentage all you have to do is divide number of click throughs by number of impressions and that should get you a percentage as to how many Facebook users are clicking on your campaign to see what you are advertising. It helps that Facebook allows you to look through a report of the performance of your campaigns, especially because many advertisers have several different campaigns on Facebook to get more people to click on their campaign. The different campaigns you offer, the better. It helps to keep improving and thinking of new ways to advertise to Facebook users. Always monitor your campaigns on Facebook especially if you want to create more campaigns!

Monitoring Your Campaign Performance on Facebook:

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