Thursday, November 30, 2017

What Color Is Your Parachute? - Identify Your Skills

Part of figuring out who you are, what work you want to do, and where you want to end up involves finding your skills. We all have different skills than others, but all our skills are needed in so many different work environments. Each job requires a different set of skills and experience that not everyone has. So sometimes you feel that you may never find a job because of competition, but there is always a job that requires your set of skills. Identifying your skills is a big part in identifying who you are especially when it comes to making decisions in your career.

To find your skills, you have to find what your good at, experienced in, and what you prefer. Skills define how you work, what you are good at, and the speed rate of your work. Some people are fast at types of work they are skilled at. That can be a good thing to have for some companies that work in a fast paced environment with deadlines always coming up. All skills are important and necessary all depending on the work environment and the type of work. Identify your skills by experiencing different types of jobs if you have the chance, taking courses with different topics, and just practice. With more experience you have, you start to notice your skills as you go on. Identifying your skills is a necessity in search for your future career.

Skills in the working environment:

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