Thursday, November 30, 2017

MKTG 349 Week 14 - Holiday Shopping!

Search engine marketing can benefit so many companies who want to advertise and want their campaigns to appear in Google with the millions of searches done by people everyday. Many people are searching for stores, companies, promotions and more on Google almost everyday. So, many companies would benefit by campaigning on Google with the help of Google AdWords. When people search in words that are keywords related to a company, brand, or service, any campaign especially popular campaigns will pop up, and it can influence people to click on the campaign. That is what companies want, for people to click on the campaign, the more they click the more success it can bring in for the company.

Companies should use search engine marketing when it comes to November, the holiday shopping. Most people are always on Google researching what gifts and stuff they want to buy for the holidays. It becomes the busiest time of the year because you have Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Christmas, and New Year's. People are always busy in November and December and never know what to buy, so they do their research mainly through Google. Major stores like Macy's, Wal-Mart, Best Buy, and more major companies have their campaigns on google that are the most common because that is where people tend to look when buying gifts. Search engine marketing is a great form of marketing especially when it comes to the holidays!

Google searches for the holidays:

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