Thursday, November 30, 2017

MKTG 347 Week 14 - Companies Should Use Social Media!

All companies should always be active on at least several forms of social media. Whether its Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat, Twitter, or whatever they feel is best for their company. With social media, companies can attract so many people to their company. Social media a great way to attract and influence people around the world. Especially, if a company's main target audience is millennials, that is the perfect way get their attention. The biggest social media users in the world are millennials. Millennials are constantly checking all their forms of social media apps on their cellphones.

Using social media to influence people is perfect especially if you want to advertise a new product, service, promotion, or just to get people to know your company in general. Social media is so powerful today and it is a great way to get a message out. So if companies want a chance at succeeding and increasing their audience, they should use social media to do it. It is the perfect way to communicate with your customers and get insight and comment on your company. There are so many forms to using social media such as posts, blogs, pictures, campaigns, videos, advertisements, and it all helps you connect with the millions of people around the world who are always active on social media!

The beneficial use of social media:

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