Thursday, November 16, 2017

What Color Is Your Parachute? Week 12 - Picking The Perfect Career For You!

When it comes to choosing your career, you must think wisely because choosing the wrong career can only make you have regrets. It takes time to think about the perfect career for some people and for others they have always known what the perfect career is for them. The perfect career is what you want to spend the rest of your life doing, something you are happy with, and making sure you love it and will never regret it! Even if you are not sure of what the perfect career is for you, it helps to research and try new things, see what you like and what you prefer. Experiencing with different jobs and courses at a young age, especially college students is a great way to see what is the perfect job for you!

In What Color Is Your Parachute? by Richard N. Bolles, he mentions the five ways to find or change your career to see what fits you best! His 5 ways include using the Internet, tests, using his flower exercise, changing your career, and also finding out what is needed in the job market. Basically, all these forms all require research and experiencing with different jobs and fields. Each person might use a different form of research the perfect career. In my experience, my preferred two forms of looking for my perfect career include researching through the Internet places that are hiring and job descriptions and where I could work in that career, and my other preferred form changing jobs, experiencing with different types of companies and jobs to see what I like. As i go on, I am still learning what I prefer because at a young age you have so many opportunities and it takes time to find whats perfect for you, but in the end it is all worth it!

The Perfect Job:

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