Tuesday, November 28, 2017

MKTG 347 Week 13 - Advertise on Snapchat

Most companies, brands, and businesses prefer to advertise on social media today, such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. However, I think most companies should now also start advertising more on Snapchat. Snapchat is common with many generations today. It is fun to use, post about your day, message with friends and family, and just have fun with its constant updates on filters and videos. There are many news companies that use Snapchat to post stories of different news articles. Most people do not really have time to read a newspaper, journal article, or even watch the news on TV. So, the best way now to get news out is through social media. Snapchat is the perfect platform to send news out because it something we look at several times daily because its fast, entertaining, and posts stories that would relate to watch Snapchat users want to see.

What helps with Snapchat, is when a user sees an advertisement or story on Snapchat, they could send a snap to their friends and family on Snapchat or post it on their story. Their story lasts 24 hours for all their friends to see, and it is a great way to get word out. Sending snaps on Snapchat can get a company or brand so many views and interests from the millions of Snapchat users today. If more companies were to advertise through Snapchat, they can get more people interested in what their selling around the world, because their are millions of millennials today in almost every country on Snapchat. It is a fun and new way to advertise that can help improve the success of a company. Snapchat is always updating so it keeps people interested, if they still use Snapchat, they are more likely to see the millions of ads Snapchat offers!

Snapchat Advertising:

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