Thursday, November 9, 2017

MKTG 349 Week 11 - AdWords Search

Search advertisements such as campaigns can be really helpful to learn. Google AdWords offers a search advertising exam has one of the exams to receive an AdWords certification. This exam offers people to learn hot create and manage search ad campaigns. This can be helpful to learn especially when it comes to promoting your brand. I think if people who have small businesses, services, ideas, brands, or any type of promotion they want to advertise should study for the search advertising exam and take the exam. Taking this exam is one step in getting closer to get AdWords Search certified, after taking another one of the exams, such as the fundamentals exam. These exam are long, but they offer people so much to learn about creating campaigns.

Studying and taking this exam will help you learn more about who to create a campaign, how to measure it, and manage it to create new campaigns. BY creating one campaign you can keep track of how well it is doing, how many people click on it, and how many people are interested in what is being advertised in the campaign. I took the the two exams to get certified in the AdWords Search Certification, the fundamentals and search advertising exams. Studying and taking both these exams helped get to know better how to create a campaign if I were to advertise in the future. Taking these exams and getting certified has helped me better prepare for future resources. I understand how to create my campaign through Google AdWords better now and to get many clicks through it, rather than creating the campaign and not have knowing what I was going. This helps understand what to do and how to measure the success of my campaigns. I feel that taking these exams is extremely beneficial to me, especially if I ever were to have a small business or I wanted to promote a brand. I think mist people ho plan on going into sales, advertising, or something similar should take these exams and get certified, it will help!

AdWords Search Certification:

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