Tuesday, November 28, 2017

MKTG 349 Week 13 - Search Engine Practice

Search engine marketing is a great form to advertise especially for major companies or any brand that is just starting up and wants to attract people to get interested in their brand. The best thing to do is to keep practicing. Practicing how to create campaigns, create keywords, and monitor your campaign. To succeed, it takes time, effort, and practice. Sometimes it can be hard to afford to advertise such as billboards and TV advertising. However, Google AdWords offers business owners an easy and cheaper way to advertise. It is a good way to test out your campaign, through search engine advertising especially with Google AdWords.

Google AdWords is a great form of search engine marketing. Search engine marketing is researching what interests consumers into seeing campaigns and advertisements. Many consumers are always on the Internet research about different products, brands, and services. So companies and businesses should practice using different popular and relevant keywords, research what keywords are more likely to interest people into looking at your campaign and what best relates to the campaign. Just keep practicing with different forms of search engine marketing, such as Google AdWords, to help get an idea of what advertising works best for consumers!

Search Engine Marketing (SEM):

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