Tuesday, October 31, 2017

MKTG 347 Week 10 - Facebook Advertising

Facebook advertising is a great way to get word out and promote your brand to millions of people around the world. You can create advertisements just about anywhere on social media, Google, YouTube, and so many other forms of promotional advertising. Facebook is a great route to take to advertise a brand, product, or idea. There are millions of people on Facebook everyday and what is great is as they are scrolling through their news feed, they can see advertisements or even on the side of their Facebook page. It can be hard sometimes for people to view an advertisement, but when they are scrolling through it, they might see something that interests them on the campaign, leading them to what you are trying to promote.

People are always on Facebook whether it is on their computer or mobile app, they will always have advertisements pop up. What is great about it is Facebook usually has ads that would interest that specific Facebook user. Usually with the page they search or what they already like, they have ads pop up that they believe the user would interest them. For example, if one Facebook user likes several different pages about shoes and looking up shoe brands, they are probably more likely to see advertisements on shoes as they scroll through their news feeds. The best thing is to create a campaign that would intrigue Facebook users to get them to click on the advertisement. The more people click, like, or share an advertisement that pops up, the more success your campaign will bring your brand! Facebook is a great way to promote your campaign!

Facebook Advertising:

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