Thursday, November 30, 2017

What Color Is Your Parachute? - Jobs That Benefit You!

Most people one they hate their late teens or early 20's, they start worrying more about searching for a job. For most people, a job is necessary and not everyone is going to find the perfect job or their dream job. However, not having your dream job does not mean it is the wrong job for you. There are so many ways to look at what job is good for you and your career. You just have to think about the many different aspects of a job. Think about your coworkers, the work, the environment, and see how it all benefits you in your career choice.

A job or career that benefits you involves you being happy and passionate about the work you do. i always believed that you should never have a job that you do not feel happy with. Some people have had jobs that they were depressed with and not happy with, that is never worth is, especially when their are others around you who love their job. Everyone should always feel happy and passionate about their job, that is the greatest benefit of all. Having a career that makes you feel happy and safe is a great feeling, and any problems that come in your way, will not be hard to solve because you know you have something to rely on! Most people who love their job, will usually always be happy with their work and can picture doing that long term, so if you feel it is the right place for you, keep it, do not ever feel sad with a job, pick one that makes you happy and benefits you overall!

How a job should benefit you:

What Color Is Your Parachute? - Identify Your Skills

Part of figuring out who you are, what work you want to do, and where you want to end up involves finding your skills. We all have different skills than others, but all our skills are needed in so many different work environments. Each job requires a different set of skills and experience that not everyone has. So sometimes you feel that you may never find a job because of competition, but there is always a job that requires your set of skills. Identifying your skills is a big part in identifying who you are especially when it comes to making decisions in your career.

To find your skills, you have to find what your good at, experienced in, and what you prefer. Skills define how you work, what you are good at, and the speed rate of your work. Some people are fast at types of work they are skilled at. That can be a good thing to have for some companies that work in a fast paced environment with deadlines always coming up. All skills are important and necessary all depending on the work environment and the type of work. Identify your skills by experiencing different types of jobs if you have the chance, taking courses with different topics, and just practice. With more experience you have, you start to notice your skills as you go on. Identifying your skills is a necessity in search for your future career.

Skills in the working environment:

MKTG 349 - What is SEM?

There are many forms of marketing, such as digital marketing, social media marketing, creative marketing, sales, public relations, and more. However, there is a form of marketing that can benefit so many companies and people who choose to work in it, which is search engine marketing, also known as SEM. Search engine marketing is a mix of search engine optimization and paid searching activities. Many people who are constantly search for millions of different things on the Internet, especially through Google. With search engine marketing, companies have created campaigns to advertise so when people search, they click on the campaign if it matches their search. So, Google has a form of campaign creation site, Google AdWords.

Google AdWords can help benefit so many companies create campaigns and provide it to people to influence them to click and follow their campaigns. With search engine marketing, companies that create campaigns can monitor how well and effective their campaigns do. Monitoring your campaign is a key tool to succeeding at your company. You want to create campaigns and work in search engine marketing because it is a popular form of marketing that is being used by consumers daily. It is a perfect way to communicate what you want people to hear.

Search Engine Marketing:

MKTG 349 Week 14 - Holiday Shopping!

Search engine marketing can benefit so many companies who want to advertise and want their campaigns to appear in Google with the millions of searches done by people everyday. Many people are searching for stores, companies, promotions and more on Google almost everyday. So, many companies would benefit by campaigning on Google with the help of Google AdWords. When people search in words that are keywords related to a company, brand, or service, any campaign especially popular campaigns will pop up, and it can influence people to click on the campaign. That is what companies want, for people to click on the campaign, the more they click the more success it can bring in for the company.

Companies should use search engine marketing when it comes to November, the holiday shopping. Most people are always on Google researching what gifts and stuff they want to buy for the holidays. It becomes the busiest time of the year because you have Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Christmas, and New Year's. People are always busy in November and December and never know what to buy, so they do their research mainly through Google. Major stores like Macy's, Wal-Mart, Best Buy, and more major companies have their campaigns on google that are the most common because that is where people tend to look when buying gifts. Search engine marketing is a great form of marketing especially when it comes to the holidays!

Google searches for the holidays:

What Color Is Your Parachute? Week 14 - Looking for a job?

Most people are constantly looking for jobs everyday whether it is because you are unemployed and looking for a job or if you are employed but want to find a new job. Sometimes it is hard, because people who have to look at different companies that are hiring to see if they are offering any jobs that interest them, so the process alone takes a while because you have to apply for multiple jobs not just one, because there is never a guarantee you will get a job. You are competing with so  many people from different backgrounds who might be a better fit for a company, so you have to open up your options to a wider range of jobs and different companies.

The great thing today is that their are companies that post on job websites to make your search easy. Most companies post jobs that they are looking to fill on websites such as SnagaJob, Indeed, Glassdoor, LinkedIn, and more. Some even post on social media to get many people aware that they are hiring. You have websites that offer hundreds of different types of jobs with hundreds of companies. They make your search so much easier so you do not even have to look for the company that is hiring, you can all the requirements, the pay scale, and even your job description so you know what job you are applying for. It helps make it easier of what jobs you want to apply and to apply for several different jobs all through one site.

The benefits of job websites:

MKTG 347 Week 14 - Companies Should Use Social Media!

All companies should always be active on at least several forms of social media. Whether its Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat, Twitter, or whatever they feel is best for their company. With social media, companies can attract so many people to their company. Social media a great way to attract and influence people around the world. Especially, if a company's main target audience is millennials, that is the perfect way get their attention. The biggest social media users in the world are millennials. Millennials are constantly checking all their forms of social media apps on their cellphones.

Using social media to influence people is perfect especially if you want to advertise a new product, service, promotion, or just to get people to know your company in general. Social media is so powerful today and it is a great way to get a message out. So if companies want a chance at succeeding and increasing their audience, they should use social media to do it. It is the perfect way to communicate with your customers and get insight and comment on your company. There are so many forms to using social media such as posts, blogs, pictures, campaigns, videos, advertisements, and it all helps you connect with the millions of people around the world who are always active on social media!

The beneficial use of social media:

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

MKTG 349 Week 13 - Search Engine Practice

Search engine marketing is a great form to advertise especially for major companies or any brand that is just starting up and wants to attract people to get interested in their brand. The best thing to do is to keep practicing. Practicing how to create campaigns, create keywords, and monitor your campaign. To succeed, it takes time, effort, and practice. Sometimes it can be hard to afford to advertise such as billboards and TV advertising. However, Google AdWords offers business owners an easy and cheaper way to advertise. It is a good way to test out your campaign, through search engine advertising especially with Google AdWords.

Google AdWords is a great form of search engine marketing. Search engine marketing is researching what interests consumers into seeing campaigns and advertisements. Many consumers are always on the Internet research about different products, brands, and services. So companies and businesses should practice using different popular and relevant keywords, research what keywords are more likely to interest people into looking at your campaign and what best relates to the campaign. Just keep practicing with different forms of search engine marketing, such as Google AdWords, to help get an idea of what advertising works best for consumers!

Search Engine Marketing (SEM):

What Color Is Your Parachute? Week 13 - Starting Your Own Business

There are many people who do not like to work for someone else or work with big companies. However, it does not mean you do not have other options. Some people choose to be self-employed and open up their own business. Opening up your business allows you to be so creative and do so much. Everyone wants to have a job that they love, but that can be hard to find with some companies. It is had to get a dream job with your preferred company, so you could always need up with another job in a place you do not like. However, starting up your business, allows you to be creative and you make all the decisions.

Starting up your own business takes a lot of time, money, effort, and research. Most of all it takes dedication. If you are not dedicated and passionate about what you are doing, then the business cannot succeed. A business owner who truly cares and puts in all their time and effort into a project like opening up a business, wants to see it succeed and they can make that happen. Research everything you need to start a business, and that all differs depending on what type of business you open up. You can open up a business that offers services or one that offers products. Mainly it all requires a plan that includes money, inventory, equipment, location, employees, and who you want to help you. Some people like to have a partner or be a sole proprietor in the business It all takes time and research. Just remember to do something that you are passionate about and that is worth your dedication!

Process of starting your own business:

MKTG 347 Week 13 - Advertise on Snapchat

Most companies, brands, and businesses prefer to advertise on social media today, such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. However, I think most companies should now also start advertising more on Snapchat. Snapchat is common with many generations today. It is fun to use, post about your day, message with friends and family, and just have fun with its constant updates on filters and videos. There are many news companies that use Snapchat to post stories of different news articles. Most people do not really have time to read a newspaper, journal article, or even watch the news on TV. So, the best way now to get news out is through social media. Snapchat is the perfect platform to send news out because it something we look at several times daily because its fast, entertaining, and posts stories that would relate to watch Snapchat users want to see.

What helps with Snapchat, is when a user sees an advertisement or story on Snapchat, they could send a snap to their friends and family on Snapchat or post it on their story. Their story lasts 24 hours for all their friends to see, and it is a great way to get word out. Sending snaps on Snapchat can get a company or brand so many views and interests from the millions of Snapchat users today. If more companies were to advertise through Snapchat, they can get more people interested in what their selling around the world, because their are millions of millennials today in almost every country on Snapchat. It is a fun and new way to advertise that can help improve the success of a company. Snapchat is always updating so it keeps people interested, if they still use Snapchat, they are more likely to see the millions of ads Snapchat offers!

Snapchat Advertising:

Thursday, November 16, 2017

MKTG 349 Week 12 - Getting AdWords Certified Can Help!

Sometimes you want to know how you can improve, and one way to do that is to get certified with Google AdWords. Getting certified, helps train you and teach you how to create campaigns. When you create campaigns, you want a perfect campaign that grabs people's attention, you want people to click on your campaign, because the more people click on it and get attracted to the advertisement, the more success it will bring your brand. You want people not only to click on it but to actually research the campaign and get people interested, because if they click then you owe money per click, but if they are interested, you can gain money from consumers interested in what you are selling or providing. It does take time and practice to get a great or perfect campaign running, that is where Google AdWords comes in to help!

Google AdWords teaches you what it means and how to create a campaign, learning from the company that created campaigning trough AdWords. If you choose to create a campaign with Google AdWords, why not practice with their exams, take the exams, and get certified. The exams teach you how to create your campaign and what to do to make it successful. Getting certified will help your campaign get more clicks, because it is created by someone who is certified with Google AdWords. All you need to do is take two out of 6 exams to receive the certification, you can choose to take all if you really want to learn more about the different section of Google AdWords,, but you can only take two exams, one being the fundamentals exam, to learn what pertains to you the most. Anyone looking to campaign, should attempt to get certified with Google AdWords!

Google AdWords Certification:

What Color Is Your Parachute? Week 12 - Picking The Perfect Career For You!

When it comes to choosing your career, you must think wisely because choosing the wrong career can only make you have regrets. It takes time to think about the perfect career for some people and for others they have always known what the perfect career is for them. The perfect career is what you want to spend the rest of your life doing, something you are happy with, and making sure you love it and will never regret it! Even if you are not sure of what the perfect career is for you, it helps to research and try new things, see what you like and what you prefer. Experiencing with different jobs and courses at a young age, especially college students is a great way to see what is the perfect job for you!

In What Color Is Your Parachute? by Richard N. Bolles, he mentions the five ways to find or change your career to see what fits you best! His 5 ways include using the Internet, tests, using his flower exercise, changing your career, and also finding out what is needed in the job market. Basically, all these forms all require research and experiencing with different jobs and fields. Each person might use a different form of research the perfect career. In my experience, my preferred two forms of looking for my perfect career include researching through the Internet places that are hiring and job descriptions and where I could work in that career, and my other preferred form changing jobs, experiencing with different types of companies and jobs to see what I like. As i go on, I am still learning what I prefer because at a young age you have so many opportunities and it takes time to find whats perfect for you, but in the end it is all worth it!

The Perfect Job:

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

MKTG 347 Week 12 - Boost Ads on Facebook

If you are creating a page on Facebook to promote your brand or business, you should try using a boost ad on Facebook to promote. With a boost ad, you can choose specific targets such as demographics to narrow down to who you want you ad to be seen by. For example, you can narrow by age, gender, and location of your main target. It also helps to narrow down to make it easier for the people you want to view your brand by narrowing what they would be interested in. For example, you can narrow by marketing, social media, business, health care, education, law, and more. You pick what relates to your brand the most and what would interest Facebook users the most. These are the examples of requirements you can set for a boost ad on Facebook:

Step 1: Choosing the target audience based on your brand
Step 2: Specifying age limit, gender, location, and interests
 Step 3: Set a budget
 Step 4: Set duration of how long you want the ad to run
 Step 5: Desktop version of Facebook ad
 Step 6: Mobil app version of Facebook Ad
Doing a boost ad for your brand can really help improve how many people see and click on the ad. If you set to it for people who are more interested in seeing this type of promotion. Boosting your ad can get you more likes and followers, it can get people more interested in what you are trying to promote. For all business owners and anyone trying to promote a brand, if they consider using social media for promotions Facebook ads and boosting them can really help make it successful!

Thursday, November 9, 2017

MKTG 349 Week 11 - AdWords Search

Search advertisements such as campaigns can be really helpful to learn. Google AdWords offers a search advertising exam has one of the exams to receive an AdWords certification. This exam offers people to learn hot create and manage search ad campaigns. This can be helpful to learn especially when it comes to promoting your brand. I think if people who have small businesses, services, ideas, brands, or any type of promotion they want to advertise should study for the search advertising exam and take the exam. Taking this exam is one step in getting closer to get AdWords Search certified, after taking another one of the exams, such as the fundamentals exam. These exam are long, but they offer people so much to learn about creating campaigns.

Studying and taking this exam will help you learn more about who to create a campaign, how to measure it, and manage it to create new campaigns. BY creating one campaign you can keep track of how well it is doing, how many people click on it, and how many people are interested in what is being advertised in the campaign. I took the the two exams to get certified in the AdWords Search Certification, the fundamentals and search advertising exams. Studying and taking both these exams helped get to know better how to create a campaign if I were to advertise in the future. Taking these exams and getting certified has helped me better prepare for future resources. I understand how to create my campaign through Google AdWords better now and to get many clicks through it, rather than creating the campaign and not have knowing what I was going. This helps understand what to do and how to measure the success of my campaigns. I feel that taking these exams is extremely beneficial to me, especially if I ever were to have a small business or I wanted to promote a brand. I think mist people ho plan on going into sales, advertising, or something similar should take these exams and get certified, it will help!

AdWords Search Certification:

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

What Color Is Your Parachute? Week 11 - What Does Handicap In The Workplace Mean To You?

When most people hear the word 'handicapped', they think of person who is working but has a disability. However, in the working world that can mean someone who does not have a skills or experience in that form of work compared to others. Not everyone will share all the same forms of skills as others. We all learn differently and not everyone learns the same thing. Some people will be more skilled in an area than others just because they have more experience than them. For example, millennials might be more skilled at social media and technology than older generations such as baby boomers. That is because millennials grew up learning at a young age the use of social media and technology than others. Some people who have been in the workforce longer have to adjust to new changes, whereas millennials grew up constantly using many forms of technology, and that is how they learned.

Not everyone will have the same skills because we are all different people. Some people might be uncomfortable at presenting to big crowds whereas some people are completely fine with presenting. Some people are better at communication than others. Some have more experience than others. Each skill depends on someone's personality, experience, and familiarity with a certain skill. It helps that not everyone has the same skill set, because then you can have employees who are skilled at one ting and another set of employees skilled at something else. People who grew up learning things different, especially with he different generations, all have different forms of learning and have different skills. So handicap does not always mean disability, but it can mean something you do not have that others do in the work environment.

Skills By Generation:

MKTG 347 Week 11 - Monitoring a Facebook Ad

Monitoring your advertisement or campaign on Facebook is necessary when it comes to advertising. After creating your campaign, keep monitoring it to see how well it is doing. You need to see if people are actually seeing your ad through their Facebook page and how many people go to see the campaign. The more people click on your campaign the more attention and success it will bring you. Sometimes you can know that many people are clicking on your campaign due to the pay-per-click function. The advertiser must pay Facebook every time their campaign is clicked on by Facebook users. In a way, the more money you owe, it means the more people choose to click on your campaign when they scroll through their news feed on Facebook.

A great way to test how many clicks your campaign is receiving is to use the click-through-rate formula (CTR). To get the CTR percentage all you have to do is divide number of click throughs by number of impressions and that should get you a percentage as to how many Facebook users are clicking on your campaign to see what you are advertising. It helps that Facebook allows you to look through a report of the performance of your campaigns, especially because many advertisers have several different campaigns on Facebook to get more people to click on their campaign. The different campaigns you offer, the better. It helps to keep improving and thinking of new ways to advertise to Facebook users. Always monitor your campaigns on Facebook especially if you want to create more campaigns!

Monitoring Your Campaign Performance on Facebook:

Sunday, November 5, 2017

MKTG 349 Week 10 - Asking For Help!

It can be hard to learn something new and to learn how to work some sites and apps. Everything takes time to learn such as electronic devise, social media, emails, apps, software, and just about anything. What helps with learning new things, is that people who create these ideas offer their services to help people figure out the use of their systems. When creating new programs, software, apps, or anything that we need to learn, it is a great idea is beneficial to users when they create some sort of help feature. Some people like to create different forms of help features such as a chat with a representative, emailing, or offering answers to FAQ's , frequently asked questions. Anything is helpful for people who are not sure how to use the system. Google AdWords can be a tricky thing to learn if you are not used to it. However, Google offers help feature for users using Google AdWords.

Google AdWords is a great feature for brand owners and anyone looking to promote. However, Google AdWords can be tricky to learn, t has many feature to it, and it can be quite confusing to get a hang of at first. It all takes time to learn new content. That is why Google offers help features on how to work Google AdWords. It offers a guide on how to work it and create your campaigns. It also allows you to see if you completed the process correctly such as seeing if the ad is running. Some people might create a campaign, but thy might not have run the campaign, so it allows them to know if they finished and completed the process of creating a campaign. It helps allow you see how well the ad is doing by locating where you can see all the clicks on your campaign and what it does. The help feature is an amazing aspect of Google AdWords, because it can be hard to learn on your own. I encourage anyone using Google AdWords to always use their help feature so they know how to master google AdWords

Google AdWords Help Center:

Thursday, November 2, 2017

What Color Is Your Parachute? Week 10 - The Perfect Workplace

After the seven petal flower exercise, it helps you determine what is the best place for you as a person to work. Everyone has different preferences for their work environment. For example, some people prefer to work in small offices, big companies, firms, hospitals, working from home, traveling for work, or other work locations. We all have different preferences for where we want to work, it all depends on how you fit into the environment and what makes you feel good about that environment. You want to feel happy and that you belong in a workplace. You never should want to hate going to work or hate the commute to work. Find something that suits you. The seven petal exercise is a perfect way to look for what is the best option for you as a person.

Sometimes it is good to try out different workplaces at a young age, such as in the end or after college. At that age, you can learn about many types of work environments, and see what best suits you so you are prepared for long term jobs. You never want to work in a place you hate and regret it in the future. You always have the option to change, but your best and easiest option would be to start experience early on into your job hunt. Always remember to pick a workplace that you feel you fit best with your coworkers, the work, the commute, the location, and the perfect type of workplace that you love. You want to be passionate about your job, you want to love it, otherwise you will only have regrets!

Requirements of the perfect workplace: