Thursday, October 19, 2017

MKTG 349 Week 8 - Campaign Ad Extensions

Ad extensions can help when creating your campaign, especially with Google AdWords. This can help make your ads more competitive with others. In order to create an extension and make it more competitive you need to create a site link of your campaign. You can go to it under the ad extension tab on Google AdWords and then click on the button that says site link extension. After it is created for people to see, you are able to view how well the campaign is doing due to the site links. It helps to see if you are doing something right or worn g,s ow when creating other campaigns with other site link extensions, you know what to do to get people to go to your campaign. You might have to improve the campaign or site link or you might just keep doing the same thing if it is gaining success.

Ad extensions can benefit your campaign and what you are trying to sell to consumers. It helps your consumers get to know more about the brand and more about your campaign when you create more than one site link extension. It offers them different options on the campaign and as to what they need specifically when they create a search in Google. Adding more to your campaign using ad extension can get your ad more clicks which is better, the more click it can gain more success from and you can get more results that way. Creating more d extensions for different topics of your campaigns will lead users to know that your brand for the campaign offers more products or services, not just one thing. Consumers prefer to have several options for a brand when they are searching on Google. For example, if they were to search Nike, they would want to see different types of shoes, not just the campaign being about one shoe, they want something more broad and not specific. So the more ad extensions created, the more clicks you get, and the more success the campaign gets.

Example of Ad Extensions:

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