Tuesday, October 24, 2017

MKTG 347 Week 9 - Monitoring Social Media

Monitoring your social media accounts is extremely important because there is so much to watch and look out for. Social media is constantly being updated and changing. It is especially necessary if you are going to be marketing your brand or company through social media, you have to keep up to date with all the latest trends. It is good to have people in marketing to keep working on social media because they have to keep up with the new updates and new forms of social media they could use to promote. Not everyone is good at using or even keeping up with social media, so it helps to have people in the company who know what to do. They need to always be up to date with all current social media platforms and future types of social media platforms they could use to their advantage and help expand on promoting the company. It sometimes is more helpful to have more than one person monitoring social media because that way you can get more options and ideas on what to do with social media promotion.

There is so much to look for with social media. For example, what is trending on social media is really important. You want to know what your consumers are interested in and want to grab their attention. You want to get results from consumers and social media is the perfect way to do that! With social media, you can make posts, tweets, blogs, and many more ways of putting your message out there. You want it to be seen by people and you want to get their feedback. You have to know what is beneficial for the company and most of all, your consumers. Feedback through social media is a great way to do that, so you have to always monitor what is being promoted through social media, and what can help you create future promotions on social media depending on what your consumers prefer. Always research and keep up to date through all social media platforms and trends!

What To Look For In Social Media:

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