Monday, October 9, 2017

What Color Is Your Parachute? Week 6 - Are Jobs Always Available?

People always believe that they can never find a job when they are job hunting. Everyone assumes that over the years it has become harder to find a job because there are not enough jobs being offered. However, jobs are always being offered. Sometimes there might not be a job that you are looking for specifically or some that have requirements that one might not meet, however it never means there are not enough jobs being offered. There are so many jobs offered in different industries, such as business, health care, legal, retail, food, politics, and so many more. There are jobs offered in all types of industries. So when someone says there is no jobs being offered that is because they are not expanding on their search.

Some people are more specific of what type of job they want to have. For example, if a person has a degree in accounting, they have many different options to work in accounting such as accounts payable, receivable, tax, cost accounting, forensic, and more. Although there are some people who just look for one type of accounting job, maybe as a forensic accountant. Jobs are not always going to be offered in a specific type of job, but there are so many offered related to what you are looking for. In this economy it is just best for most people to get a job that at least relates to what they want to work with and just work with a job until they find their dream job.

Jobs can be found on job websites, company websites, newspaper advertisements, social media platforms, and more ads. A person has so many options to look for a job. So when someone says that they cannot find a job, it is either that they are not looking or they are not searching in enough places. So many companies use jobs boards to post jobs because that way job seekers can search for many different opportunities with many different companies and in a lot of different industries. Jobs are always available, even if it is not the exact job one is looking for, does not mean there are hundreds of others offered. Jobs hunters are always able to find jobs if they expand their search and put in more effort to find a job!

Different Aspects of Job Hunting:

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