Thursday, October 19, 2017

MKTG 347 Week 8 - Hootsuite Benefits

It can be hard to keep track of all your social media networks. We are always creating all sorts of social media such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Emails, LinkedIn, and more. It is hard to not use all of these networks, but it would be helpful and easier if we had an a app or type of network where they are all connected so we do not have to keep signing in different accounts, and having to remember all usernames and passwords required for login purposes. This can help so many people, because in this day most people have at least over one form of social media network. Hootsuite helps you link all of your accounts together which is much better, it is less time consuming, less stressful, and probably easier to navigate when you have so many different accounts that are used differently.


What is great about Hootsuite connecting your social media networks together, is for example when you post on one social media site but you want to post on all of them, you can post it once through Hootsuite and allow it to be posted through all of your social media sites. Some social media sites do that now such as Instagram and Facebook, when a user makes a post on Instagram, it can connect to their Facebook page and make the post on Facebook as well, but with Hootsuite, you can make posts by just going on Hootsuite instead of going through all your social media networks and making one post each. It saves you time and makes everything much simpler that way! Hootsuite can benefit you overall by making it easier to navigate social media and saving time going from app to app on your phone, by just visiting it all on one network.

The Benefits of Using Hootsuite:

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