Thursday, October 19, 2017

What Color Is Your Parachute? Week 8 - Reevaluating Yourself

Sometimes you have to reevaluate yourself during a job hunt. It can be hard to get a job sometimes especially when you are up against other candidates who might fit the job better than you because of either experience, skills, and maybe even personality, whatever fits best in that work environment. It can be hard to find a job, because there are only so many in the world, but not all will be in your area of expertise or something you might be interested in working with. When looking for a job, you might have to expand your search and open up to more job options. Try not to be narrow and only specify to one type of job, because that can be hard to find. You are already competing with so many people fr jobs, if you are going to narrow your job search, it makes it harder to get a job. However, if you expand on your search to be open to more options of jobs you like or relate, then it can help you find a job faster.

You have to find things you are good, such as skills and qualifications.For example, you might have a degree in a certain field of study that has a broad range of jobs. You could be a Marketing major, but you might be skilled at certain types of Marketing over others, even if one of those is not the type of marketing you prefer. Some people might prefer consumer marketing, but there are not many jobs offered, so they need to expand more on other marketing jobs that they might be more skilled at, such as digital, business, and social media marketing. You should know about yourself what you are skilled at and what you have more experience in. You might have done better in one course than another, but you might prefer the one you did not do as well in. You need to think about what is gonna get you hired to get you a job. Then having that job can help you build yourself up better for the future and actually get your dream job! Just be open to so many possibilities and have confidence in yourself, reevaluate yourself and our skills!

Concepts of Self Inventory:

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