Monday, October 9, 2017

MKTG 349 Week 6 - Getting The Hang of Creating Keywords!

It can be hard sometimes to get used to something that one has no experience in, it is something new and different to them. Everything takes time getting used to, it all takes effort and lots of practice! When creating a campaign, such as with Google AdWords, you must create keywords that you know people would search, what would be most common. It is hard getting used to creating keywords for a campaign. Every time you create a new campaign, you have o think of new keywords to create so when someone searches those keywords, they can get to your campaign. However, it can be hard because there are so many things to think about when creating keywords. out how many keywords to use, what words are best to use, or if there are related words you could use. It is hard to get used to because, you do not do the same thing every time. Each time you are creating a new campaign, you have to create new keywords. Sometimes one might feel like they cannot think of any more keywords to place in their campaign!

Creating keywords can sometimes require creative thinking, because you cannot always just put some random keywords under your campaign. You have to think about making yours standout from other campaigns.You want people to choose our campaign over others. So you have to not only think of keywords that relate to the campaign, but also keywords that are not the same or too similar to other campaigns, where it leads to searchers to choose another campaign over yours. You want yours to get noticed. SO it does take time to get the hang of creating keywords because there are so many key parts to it to think about when creating them. The more effort and time you put in creating specific, popular, and different keywords to help when searching your campaign, the more success can come from the campaign because it led people to clicking on your campaign in Google!

Creating Keywords:

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