Thursday, October 5, 2017

MKTG 347 Week 6 - The Advantage of Twitter

Twitter is a major social media platform today, it has been popular for several years and is still popular today. It is a great way to get word out. Twitter can be used to say whats on your mind, how you feel, to talk about major topics in the world today, or just about almost anything. You can reach so many people's attention with just one tweet. So many celebrities, politicians, athletes, and more use Twitter to tweet about whats on their mind or anything they feel they should to talk about that is trending in the news. It is a great way to get word out, because there are so many people today who do not watch news, media, read newspapers, and retrieve other sources of news. Twitter is a powerful source to get news out to people. For example, if there is a major crisis going on such as the economy or politics or anything that relates to the population, most people will first hear about through some type of social media, a major one being Twitter. It gets more people aware of what is going on in the world today. People should always be in the know of what is going on around them, and one tweet can get their attention!

A great thing about Twitter is that when you tweet, you can use hashtags. I think hashtags are great. They are similar to keywords that are used when creating a campaign on Google AdWords. People can search up hashtags when they are looking for certain tweets and posts about a certain topic. For example, many people when they are researching a topic, they sue specific keywords to find what they are looking for. Hashtags are the perfect example to use as keywords. Many people might hear about a tweet from other sources and when they want to look for it, they can use possible hashtags that were used in the post that relate to the tweet. Overall, it is the perfect way to get a message out and get people more attracted to it and want to know more!

How Twitter Spreads The Word Fast:

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