Thursday, October 12, 2017

MKTG 347 Week 7 - Why Is LinkedIn Important?

LinkedIn has grown popular over the years especially for college students. LinkedIn is a way to connect with the people in the working world. College students should make a LinkedIn, because they are all preparing to graduate and start their life in the real world. They need to have a job set after college since they are all adults now who have a degree. LinkedIn helps college students make connections with people from all types of companies. College students should also make connections with classmates, professors, and advisors. Connections help you prepare for how the real world will be. Making connections helps you get jobs. the more close connections you have, the more job offers you are likely to receive. It is always better to have different offers for jobs, because if you cannot get several offers, you will not have much of a choice of what job you want, and you will have to settle with a job you might not actually want. So build connections, network, and do whatever it takes to prepare you for after college. If you cannot do at your school, do it through LinkedIn a powerful resource of connections.

LinkedIn allows you to basically put your resume out there for all of your connections to see! Making connections with you classmates and professors on LinkedIn is a great way to start because they all already have connections which you can connect with as well. It shows you are open to more possibilities of working with all different types of companies. You can also use LinkedIn as you resume. That's what LinkedIn is good at by allowing you to make your profile and placing all of your work experience, your education, skills, and achievements for people to see. So if employers are ever looking to hire, they could find you through LinkedIn, which is why making connections is even better. You have to connect with them so they can see your profile, view your resume, and possibly invite you to apply for jobs if they are hiring. It is important and should be necessary to have a LinkedIn profile, it can help you get your future started!

LinkedIn Connections:

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