Sunday, October 29, 2017

MKTG 349 Week 9 - Getting Certified Can Help!

Getting certified in anything is a process of learning something new. It is important to learn new concepts, ideas, and information, especially if it can help your career. Getting certified in most jobs shows the effort a person put in to their work by learning new concept they believe would help their jobs. Google AdWords is a great way to get certified and learn a new concept of Google, especially for Marketers. With Google AdWords, a person can take both the Google Advertising Fundamentals Exam and the Display Advertising Advanced Exam, which are free to obtain through Google. So why not take the chance if they are free, why not learn a new concept for free and get certified on it, something that can look great on your resume!

These new concepts can help you learn more to advertise and create campaigns through Google. There are many people who do not know how to create an advertisement, campaign, or any promotion type to advertise a brand or product. However, with Google that is easy to learn through AdWords. The first step is to learn how to use Google AdWords, by using this program to create a campaign for people to visit when on Google especially with the use of keywords. The next step would be to prepare and learn the material to take the exam. The final step is taking the exam, once you pass the exam with a score of an 80 out of 100 or higher, then you will be officially certified in Google AdWords. With the certification you can use it to your advantage and put it on your resume. Once employers see that on your resume especially in the marketing career, you will have higher job opportunities because you have more skills on your resume that proves you deserve the job. The more effort you put in to learn new concept can benefit you when looking for new jobs. Getting certified is a great way to help you find an amazing job opportunity!

Google AdWords Certification:

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