Thursday, September 21, 2017

What Color Is Your Parachute? Week 4 - Your Resume Might Not Always Be Enough!

Resumes are so important today, because everyone is always looking for a job! Resumes help employers get a better picture not of who you are as person, but the skills and qualities you have that takes to do a great or awful job. Most job sites now allow a person looking for a job to place their resumes there for employers to see. Sometimes it can be hard to find a job, so it helps when jobs you do not hear of find you! Many employers now look through resumes on job sites such as staffing agencies, Indeed, Glassdoor, and more. Your resume is out there and if they search for specific qualifications and your resume pops up, it would be perfect for you! It shows that you are not only looking, but employers are looking for you too!

How Employers Look For Resumes:

However, most people do not realize that many employers not only look for information about you through resumes, but they can find more information about you through social media and Google, two major platforms that can offer up more information about you as a person. Sometimes people do things they would not want their employers to know about them, but it can be hard to keep personal stuff in this day private. No matter if you have the qualifications when an employer is looking for an employee, they still want people who are professional and they do not want to find problems with you on the Internet. It can affect their companies showing they hired someone that might look unprofessional to others. Always be prepared when looking for a job!

Looking For Information on Employees:

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