Thursday, September 28, 2017

MKTG 349 Week 5 - Always Monitor!

When launching a campaign, it does not mean you are finished and can just move on tot the next one. You have to keep monitoring it to see how the campaign is doing, is it working, is it attracting an audience? People should always be monitor anything that they do or publish. Monitoring helps you keep track of what and how you are doing. Monitoring a campaign can also help if you want to do more campaigning for other products, services, ideas, and more. It can be used as a guide to figure out what you should keep doing or what you need to change. For example, if I were to put a campaign of an advertisement on Google AdWords, I would want to keep monitoring it to give me ideas on how it is doing, for future references if I ever decide to do another campaign.

Monitoring can help for future references because you can keep track of what keywords and defaults  are being used to find your campaign, or what gets your campaign noticed from users. Old campaigns are used as ideas when creating a new campaign. I believe it is best to look at campaigns you have done and other people's campaigns to monitor them and see how they are doing. It gives you ideas on what you should be improving and what you should keep the same. You always want to do something different or keep stuff the same because you always want to know what users and audience think of your campaign, and see what gets them interested. You always have to know the interests of your target audience because they will be the ones who are vested in your campaign, you will lose their interest and it would make it harder to gain others' interest. So you must always monitor, no matter what!

How to monitor your campaign:

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