Thursday, September 7, 2017

MKTG 347 Week 2 - Are Robots Finally Taking Over The World?

Do you think we could lose our jobs and our use in the world to robots? We have relied on technology too much over the years that it has come to using technology to do our work. Some people might see that using technology to do our work might be more efficient and better at doing work than us humans. Technology can store information probably better than humans can, they might work faster than us with no disruptions, and they could be a more reliable source. However, I think that technology can never do the work that we do! Humans invented technology to be gin with, so if they are able to do that, how can technology work better than us!

After reading Technology vs. the Middle Class, it shocked me to see how Economists are looking in o what jobs are more likely to be replaced by technology than others. I know that some companies such as auto companies use technology to build their products, but I did not think ever that they were looking into more jobs being replaced by robots. Just reading about how much more productive robots are at doing our work, basically one robot doing two people's work, shocks me. I worry about this because it could mean all the work and education most people have put a lot of effort into could all be for nothing if we are gonna lose our jobs to robots.

I think that even though they proved robots are more productive at doing the work than humans, that with humans it would be better work because it is stuff we care about and put so much hard work into. Even robots are able to do different jobs, I would rely more on humans because I feel like I can trust people more than technology which could always malfunction. Maybe having robots do most of the work could be negative, could they take over us humans? I think giving robots more praise and more use could lead them to thinking they can overpower humans which could negatively affect us in the future if we rely on them too much! In my opinion, no matter how much robots work better than us, I do not think they are as a hardworking as humans!

Robots Taking Our Jobs:

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