Sunday, September 24, 2017

MKTG 349 Week 4 - Starting a Campaign

Campaigning takes time and effort! It takes serious dedication to make a great campaign and attract and audience. Campaigning can help people who work in business, politics, or anyone trying to sell a product, service, or idea. You want people to notice you and be aware of what you are selling to the people. Starting a campaign takes time and dedication and it takes a lot of thought. When creating a  campaign, you want to think mainly about what audience you want to target. For example, what age group, gender group, economic class, and other factors must be taken into consideration. If you choose to create a campaign to appeal to more than one type of audience, you have to create a campaign that can achieve that, for example must attract both females and males, all age groups, low, middle, and high class. It is extremely important to identify the audience of the campaign.

Besides identifying the audience, it is important to create a campaign and think about what you want the audience to see on the campaign and ways to release the campaign for the world to see. The content of the campaign is important because to some people they might prefer to see more information and then there some who might prefer not to see to much on it because they might find it unattractive or boring. When starting a campaign, you must put enough info on what you are selling, but also maybe not too much because that might not grab people's attention. You want something to grab their attention to get them to ask for more information on the campaign. It is important to place campaign and ads on sites, billboards, pages, and social media where you believe it would be mos popular and gain the most attention. When starting a campaign, there are many concepts to think about before completing it and releasing it, in order to gain success from the campaign!

Campaigning Concepts:

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