Tuesday, September 19, 2017

MKTG 347 Week 4 - The Influence of Facebook

Facebook started back in 2005 and it has gotten more popular ever since. Millions of people around the world have a Facebook page or profile. It is a way to connect with people, follow news and media, and follow friends and family. Facebook is a way to connect with people, businesses, family, and more around the world. It can be a way of branding yourself to the world. With Facebook you can advertise anything for example if you are starting up a business, you can create a page for a business, company, organization, club, or anything to sell to people. It is a way of getting noticed and gaining attraction from different people around the world. You can have 1 friend or follower, who has more and gets other people to follow you. So with one connection can lead you to build hundreds to thousands of connections on Facebook.

I think Facebook is a great use of social media, because most people now are always on social media for entertainment because they are always on their mobile devices. Since Facebook expands its use of getting news, making friends, and learning more about business, people, companies, and more, it offers people such amazing opportunities that they can find through Facebook. I feel that Facebook has influenced so many people to do more such as Market through them and learn to research and find possible careers from Facebook. It also influences people to be more active and invested in what is going in the world today, because for some people it can be hard to keep up with everything, but Facebook can help users stay up to date! Overall, Facebook has grown so much over the years and influence many people and other companies to do the same!

Influence of Facebook:

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