Tuesday, September 12, 2017

MKTG 347 Week 3 - It Is Always Best To Advertise!

Advertising is a great way to get word out on what you want to sell to people! You could be selling a product, service, idea or anything you want people to be aware of. It is hard to get people to know about your brand, business, products, anything that you are trying to sell to them. Advertising helps because it gets people aware. Most ads today pop on all types of social media. They pop up on YouTube, Facebook, Snapchat, Google, Instagram, and many more. I believe the best way to advertise is through social media, because most people today are on at least one type of social media. Through social media, many people will most likely see your ad get posted and with social media, it helps expand to more people seeing your ad.

Advertisements you could make for your brand can include videos, pictures, commercials, and other forms of ads. Advertisements can be seen not only on social media, but on billboards, magazines, newspapers, television, and through other people. No matter if you do not have any type of social media, there are many ways to advertise. You always want people to see your ads. It is worth it to advertise as much as you can because it helps get your brand noticed and advertising spreads awareness of your brand. So if just one person sees your ad, it leads to many others knowing about your brand. People always spread words to others around them. So the more you advertise, the more popularity and attraction you bring to what you are trying to sell!

 Ways To Advertise:

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