Tuesday, September 26, 2017

MKTG 347 Week 5 - Facebook Advertising

Advertising in general is a way to get your product or brand to be noticed in the world. There are so many ways to advertise and on of the best ways can be through social media. One of the world's largest social media sites today is Facebook. Facebook has been around since 2005 and is still very much popular today compared to other social media sites. Facebook is so common now more with millennials and other generations than with younger people. It is also extremely popular in many countries around the world. Many people today are building their own businesses or brands, and they want to advertise it to others to get people aware of it. So a great way is to advertise is through Facebook. Advertisements are always popping in the news feed of everyone's Facebook pages and a really common one is on the sidebar of a Facebook page different advertisements for different brands and companies always appear. It helps get Facebook users aware of different products, services, brands, and more being offered.

Brands, business, and companies use Facebook to advertise because it is a major social media platform today and is still very much popular. Facebook is usually always updating and trying new things to stay popular and meet the users of Facebook's needs. They keep up to stay popular. So, since it is still popular it allows people to sue Facebook to advertise because they know they can get the attention of some consumers through Facebook. They only need to attract a few people in the beginning which can  help lead them to influence others to be aware of an advertisement. It is a major benefit brand owners should take advantage of, because if they want to succeed with heir brand, Facebook advertising is a great way to start off. It can lead them to so much success for the brand and they can keep expanding. Plus it would help them know if their brand is unattractive. Facebook advertising can show them what is attractive and unattractive in a consumer's mind. Facebook offers brands and companies a major asset, which is to use their platform to advertise!

Advertising on Facebook:

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