Saturday, September 30, 2017

What Color Is Your Parachute? Week 5 - Always Be Prepared For Interviews

Interviews can be very stressful for people. Everyone is always looking for a job, and the most nerve racking part of the job hunting process is the interview. Sometimes it can be easy to land an interview, but the interview is the most crucial part of the job hunting process. People are always applying for a job when they need to, sometimes that can be the easy part of the process because you can write anything you want, whether its true or not. However, when you get the interview, it gets more nerve racking. When you come face to face with an employer, everything is different. In an interview i when employers really judge you and your qualities! Employers can tell a lot by someone just from interviewing them. Sometimes people give off wrong first impressions in an interview which can permanently impact them.

You must always come prepared for an interview. Be prepared for any questions that you might be asked by an employer, because if you do not know an answer or get stuck, they will believe you are not fit for the job, and reject you without any hesitation. You will never know how an interview might go. They can sometimes go smoothly an sometimes go terribly wrong. Most people get nervous during an interview, because of how crucial it is to get the job SO whenever you get nervous, you must always remain calm and take deep breaths! You should always try to stay relaxed! Being relaxed and calm can help you interview so much better. It will relax hr nerves and help you think better when answering questions. Just always be prepared, and you will not get nervous because you are ready for the interview and ready for the job!

Preparing For An Interview:

Thursday, September 28, 2017

MKTG 349 Week 5 - Always Monitor!

When launching a campaign, it does not mean you are finished and can just move on tot the next one. You have to keep monitoring it to see how the campaign is doing, is it working, is it attracting an audience? People should always be monitor anything that they do or publish. Monitoring helps you keep track of what and how you are doing. Monitoring a campaign can also help if you want to do more campaigning for other products, services, ideas, and more. It can be used as a guide to figure out what you should keep doing or what you need to change. For example, if I were to put a campaign of an advertisement on Google AdWords, I would want to keep monitoring it to give me ideas on how it is doing, for future references if I ever decide to do another campaign.

Monitoring can help for future references because you can keep track of what keywords and defaults  are being used to find your campaign, or what gets your campaign noticed from users. Old campaigns are used as ideas when creating a new campaign. I believe it is best to look at campaigns you have done and other people's campaigns to monitor them and see how they are doing. It gives you ideas on what you should be improving and what you should keep the same. You always want to do something different or keep stuff the same because you always want to know what users and audience think of your campaign, and see what gets them interested. You always have to know the interests of your target audience because they will be the ones who are vested in your campaign, you will lose their interest and it would make it harder to gain others' interest. So you must always monitor, no matter what!

How to monitor your campaign:

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

MKTG 347 Week 5 - Facebook Advertising

Advertising in general is a way to get your product or brand to be noticed in the world. There are so many ways to advertise and on of the best ways can be through social media. One of the world's largest social media sites today is Facebook. Facebook has been around since 2005 and is still very much popular today compared to other social media sites. Facebook is so common now more with millennials and other generations than with younger people. It is also extremely popular in many countries around the world. Many people today are building their own businesses or brands, and they want to advertise it to others to get people aware of it. So a great way is to advertise is through Facebook. Advertisements are always popping in the news feed of everyone's Facebook pages and a really common one is on the sidebar of a Facebook page different advertisements for different brands and companies always appear. It helps get Facebook users aware of different products, services, brands, and more being offered.

Brands, business, and companies use Facebook to advertise because it is a major social media platform today and is still very much popular. Facebook is usually always updating and trying new things to stay popular and meet the users of Facebook's needs. They keep up to stay popular. So, since it is still popular it allows people to sue Facebook to advertise because they know they can get the attention of some consumers through Facebook. They only need to attract a few people in the beginning which can  help lead them to influence others to be aware of an advertisement. It is a major benefit brand owners should take advantage of, because if they want to succeed with heir brand, Facebook advertising is a great way to start off. It can lead them to so much success for the brand and they can keep expanding. Plus it would help them know if their brand is unattractive. Facebook advertising can show them what is attractive and unattractive in a consumer's mind. Facebook offers brands and companies a major asset, which is to use their platform to advertise!

Advertising on Facebook:

Sunday, September 24, 2017

MKTG 349 Week 4 - Starting a Campaign

Campaigning takes time and effort! It takes serious dedication to make a great campaign and attract and audience. Campaigning can help people who work in business, politics, or anyone trying to sell a product, service, or idea. You want people to notice you and be aware of what you are selling to the people. Starting a campaign takes time and dedication and it takes a lot of thought. When creating a  campaign, you want to think mainly about what audience you want to target. For example, what age group, gender group, economic class, and other factors must be taken into consideration. If you choose to create a campaign to appeal to more than one type of audience, you have to create a campaign that can achieve that, for example must attract both females and males, all age groups, low, middle, and high class. It is extremely important to identify the audience of the campaign.

Besides identifying the audience, it is important to create a campaign and think about what you want the audience to see on the campaign and ways to release the campaign for the world to see. The content of the campaign is important because to some people they might prefer to see more information and then there some who might prefer not to see to much on it because they might find it unattractive or boring. When starting a campaign, you must put enough info on what you are selling, but also maybe not too much because that might not grab people's attention. You want something to grab their attention to get them to ask for more information on the campaign. It is important to place campaign and ads on sites, billboards, pages, and social media where you believe it would be mos popular and gain the most attention. When starting a campaign, there are many concepts to think about before completing it and releasing it, in order to gain success from the campaign!

Campaigning Concepts:

Thursday, September 21, 2017

What Color Is Your Parachute? Week 4 - Your Resume Might Not Always Be Enough!

Resumes are so important today, because everyone is always looking for a job! Resumes help employers get a better picture not of who you are as person, but the skills and qualities you have that takes to do a great or awful job. Most job sites now allow a person looking for a job to place their resumes there for employers to see. Sometimes it can be hard to find a job, so it helps when jobs you do not hear of find you! Many employers now look through resumes on job sites such as staffing agencies, Indeed, Glassdoor, and more. Your resume is out there and if they search for specific qualifications and your resume pops up, it would be perfect for you! It shows that you are not only looking, but employers are looking for you too!

How Employers Look For Resumes:

However, most people do not realize that many employers not only look for information about you through resumes, but they can find more information about you through social media and Google, two major platforms that can offer up more information about you as a person. Sometimes people do things they would not want their employers to know about them, but it can be hard to keep personal stuff in this day private. No matter if you have the qualifications when an employer is looking for an employee, they still want people who are professional and they do not want to find problems with you on the Internet. It can affect their companies showing they hired someone that might look unprofessional to others. Always be prepared when looking for a job!

Looking For Information on Employees:

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

MKTG 347 Week 4 - The Influence of Facebook

Facebook started back in 2005 and it has gotten more popular ever since. Millions of people around the world have a Facebook page or profile. It is a way to connect with people, follow news and media, and follow friends and family. Facebook is a way to connect with people, businesses, family, and more around the world. It can be a way of branding yourself to the world. With Facebook you can advertise anything for example if you are starting up a business, you can create a page for a business, company, organization, club, or anything to sell to people. It is a way of getting noticed and gaining attraction from different people around the world. You can have 1 friend or follower, who has more and gets other people to follow you. So with one connection can lead you to build hundreds to thousands of connections on Facebook.

I think Facebook is a great use of social media, because most people now are always on social media for entertainment because they are always on their mobile devices. Since Facebook expands its use of getting news, making friends, and learning more about business, people, companies, and more, it offers people such amazing opportunities that they can find through Facebook. I feel that Facebook has influenced so many people to do more such as Market through them and learn to research and find possible careers from Facebook. It also influences people to be more active and invested in what is going in the world today, because for some people it can be hard to keep up with everything, but Facebook can help users stay up to date! Overall, Facebook has grown so much over the years and influence many people and other companies to do the same!

Influence of Facebook:

Thursday, September 14, 2017

MKTG 349 Week 3 - Campaigning an Ad

Campaigning an advertisement can be essential to what you are trying to sell such as product, service, idea, or anything else you want people to see and be aware of. Some people might find it hard to create a campaign or where to advertise their campaign. that is why with Google, creating an AdWords account can be extremely helpful. Creating an AdWords account can help you out when you want to create a campaign for people to see and a great way to do it is post on Google because millions of people are on Google everyday searching up what they want to find.

I think Google AdWords is a great way to help anyone create a campaigning like an advertisement because it lets you choose how you want it to show. Part of creating a campaign is what you want people to search or see to get to your campaign compared to other brand campaigns. When creating a campaign, you have to pick the perfect keywords you believe people will search and must relate to your campaign. The more keywords you place, the more likely your ad could be searched for on Google. The more people click on your ad, the more popularity and attraction you can bring to your brand because of your campaign.

I believe Google AdWords is a great way to get noticed! You can never just sell a product, brand, service, or idea without having to advertise it. If you want more attraction to what you are selling, you got to put in the work, creativity, and different options into getting others to notice. It all pays off when your brand gets more popularity through more people who see your campaign through AdWords!

Campaigning an Ad with AdWords:

What Color Is Your Parachute? Week 3 - The World of Job Hunting

Looking for a job can be so stressful for so many people, especially for college graduates. Everyone needs a job when they are older, it can be hard to live without a job. There are so many requirements today for most decent jobs. Without a good resume and good qualifications and skills on that resume, it will only make the job hunting harder. Most companies now want to hire someone with a Bachelor's or Master's degree. That's why for college students, we have more of a chance of finding a job than people who have do not have a college degree. However, after graduating college, for recent graduates it can be hard still to find a job because we are competing with other college graduates. We all want to work in our field of study, but sometimes that might not being option. We have to find jobs based on location, type of company, type of work, hours, and much more requirements.

I have found that a great way to find jobs  is through the Internet, through mutual connections and pages such as LinkedIn. There are also many other jobs sites that post thousands of jobs and can narrow your job search, such as as Indeed, Glassdoor, Snagajob, and more. For me I was fortunate to have found a job in my field of study, Accounting, before even graduating college. I was hired through a staffing company called Accountemps, where they placed me in an amazing company to work in Accounting. I first interviewed with Accountemps for a job with them, but they also place my resume for employers to view who are looking for qualified candidates. That was when the company I now work for called Great Lakes Dredge and Dock found my resume. My employer saw that I was a student majoring in Accounting at Benedictine University so it was a big selling point to Great Lakes. So, they had interviewed me, and within the span of 2 days, I had already got the job.

So sometimes when looking for a job, you might find it hard to find the perfect job or one in your field, however you will be surprised one day and might actually work in your dream job. It all takes time and process, you will never know and one day be surprised and actually find the job yo are looking for, that was how I felt this past summer looking for a job. I applied for do many and I never thought I would find one and get hired in my field!

The World Of Searching For A Job:

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

MKTG 347 Week 3 - It Is Always Best To Advertise!

Advertising is a great way to get word out on what you want to sell to people! You could be selling a product, service, idea or anything you want people to be aware of. It is hard to get people to know about your brand, business, products, anything that you are trying to sell to them. Advertising helps because it gets people aware. Most ads today pop on all types of social media. They pop up on YouTube, Facebook, Snapchat, Google, Instagram, and many more. I believe the best way to advertise is through social media, because most people today are on at least one type of social media. Through social media, many people will most likely see your ad get posted and with social media, it helps expand to more people seeing your ad.

Advertisements you could make for your brand can include videos, pictures, commercials, and other forms of ads. Advertisements can be seen not only on social media, but on billboards, magazines, newspapers, television, and through other people. No matter if you do not have any type of social media, there are many ways to advertise. You always want people to see your ads. It is worth it to advertise as much as you can because it helps get your brand noticed and advertising spreads awareness of your brand. So if just one person sees your ad, it leads to many others knowing about your brand. People always spread words to others around them. So the more you advertise, the more popularity and attraction you bring to what you are trying to sell!

 Ways To Advertise:

Thursday, September 7, 2017

MKTG 347 Week 2 - Are Robots Finally Taking Over The World?

Do you think we could lose our jobs and our use in the world to robots? We have relied on technology too much over the years that it has come to using technology to do our work. Some people might see that using technology to do our work might be more efficient and better at doing work than us humans. Technology can store information probably better than humans can, they might work faster than us with no disruptions, and they could be a more reliable source. However, I think that technology can never do the work that we do! Humans invented technology to be gin with, so if they are able to do that, how can technology work better than us!

After reading Technology vs. the Middle Class, it shocked me to see how Economists are looking in o what jobs are more likely to be replaced by technology than others. I know that some companies such as auto companies use technology to build their products, but I did not think ever that they were looking into more jobs being replaced by robots. Just reading about how much more productive robots are at doing our work, basically one robot doing two people's work, shocks me. I worry about this because it could mean all the work and education most people have put a lot of effort into could all be for nothing if we are gonna lose our jobs to robots.

I think that even though they proved robots are more productive at doing the work than humans, that with humans it would be better work because it is stuff we care about and put so much hard work into. Even robots are able to do different jobs, I would rely more on humans because I feel like I can trust people more than technology which could always malfunction. Maybe having robots do most of the work could be negative, could they take over us humans? I think giving robots more praise and more use could lead them to thinking they can overpower humans which could negatively affect us in the future if we rely on them too much! In my opinion, no matter how much robots work better than us, I do not think they are as a hardworking as humans!

Robots Taking Our Jobs:

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

MKTG 349 Week 2 - Why Is It Important To Generate Specific Keywords?

Keywords are so helpful when it comes to looking for something specific, especially in Google. Whenever we do not want to write out a whole phrase, sentence or paragraph, keywords come in handy to help us find what we are looking for! After reading the introduction to Introduction to Search Engine Marketing and AdWords: A Guide for Absolute Beginners. I got to learn more about how Google helps when it comes to search through keywords. They AdWords. Some people, such as myself, have never used AdWords or even heard of it. The use of AdWords could really help many people through their search engines.

Google found a way to help people customize or specify their searches on Google, they did using AdWords. Choosing specific keywords is extremely important. When generating an Ad through AdWords, it is important and necessary to choose the right word. Choose the one that seems most popular to be looked up by users. If you choose the wrong keywords to place in the ad, it will make it harder for people to find an ad or even notice it on Google. So choosing keywords that are more popular with people and tend to be looked up more such as a main word or one to specify the title of the ad, is important, it gets people to click on the ad. Creating an advertisement for people to see can be hard to do especially if you want to make it simple and easy to find. AdWords helps one customize it in a way that when someone is searching Google, it makes it easier to find the website or advertisement they are looking for.

With advertisements, Google generates a lot of profit from the ad, through the CPC. The CPC, also know as the cost per click, brings profit to Google because for each click on each advertisement, Google gets paid. AdWords is not only helping with minimizing searches in search engines, but bring in more money to Google. In my opinion, this is a great way to bring in profits to the company and it helps out other brands and companies who choose to advertise. Choosing the right keywords and using AdWords can help bring attention and profits to a company and Google itself for creating AdWords!