Thursday, March 15, 2018

Surfing The Tsunami Week 11 - How AI Can Help Us

Many people feel that artificial intelligence can be dangerous, although it doe shave its risks, it also can benefit us! AI can gain and retain so much information beyond what the human brain could ever! So, why not have AI help us in the future as it gains more knowledge. It could help us advance in medicine, travel, space, and many industries that we have today! Sometimes if the benefit outweighs the risk, take the chance on AI and support how it can benefit us in the future.

I think AI can help us expand and invent on things we find difficult now. For example, they can help build new technology and even advance the medical field, They can create new inventions to be used for medical fields. For example, today they have created machines that can print out 3D objects, why not expand on that more, if it benefits the medical field which would benefit everyone else, it would help us, so why not do it! Artificial intelligence is growing and gaining more knowledge than many humans could, so why not use it to our advantage to expand on our future technology.

Benefits of AI:

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