Monday, March 12, 2018

Surfing The Tsunami Week 8 - People and Perspectives

Many people who hear the term artificial intelligence, probably just think of robots, technology, and machines. However, not many people really think about humans when they should.Humans are part of the idea of AI. They helped build it and improve it. Humans are key part to many things that have been created in the world. Even though artificial intelligence can work on its own, it comes with the help of humans.

There are many humans who play a key role in AI. One in particular who is considered a leader in the world of AI is Fei Fei Li. She uses AI to help her with her work of visual applications. AI is important in visual applications and has had much impact because t has involved the creation of advancements in technology such as self-driving cars.

Many people are heavily involved in creating and improving AI, they believe it can help improve our technological advancements and build new ideas and creations that could benefit us. So, with AI, there is much more we can learn and expand on, we are not just relying on technology, we also rely very much on humans who may have helped create something as significant as AI.

Humans and AI:

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