Thursday, March 1, 2018

MKTG 348 Week 7 - Is It Working?

When using SEO to promote your brand or campaign, you want to create different advertisements and promotions to get it noticed. However, no matter how much effort or time you put into the work you do for SEO, you have to really check and make sure it is actually working. You need to monitor your campaign to make sure it is succeeding, if you are not, you will never know how well or bad it is doing, and then all the work you put in, goes to waste. There are many ways to monitor such as seeing the rank of your SEO, keep checking in on it, and the best way is looking at your ROI.

A great way to see if you campaign is working, is to look at your Return on Investment, ROI. With your ROI, you want to see how well the campaign is doing. Is it getting as much attention as effort you put into the campaign? If not, then you are losing time, money, creativity with a campaign that is not succeeding, so you have to decide what you can do better to improve the campaign, so it can improve your ROI. If it is, then keep doing what you are doing, but there are always ways for improvement, with improvement you can bring it more success. Monitoring ROI on the campaign is a great way to learn from SEO.

Return on Investment for SEO:

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