Thursday, March 1, 2018

BALT 318 Week 7 - Think Like A Designer

I plan on doing my infographic for a small business on how social media is the best way to promote an idea, company, business, or anything, especially for small businesses. There are many different ways one could about creating an infographic to attract people to come to the business. Creating an infographic about social media could use an infographic that is more simple, creative, outgoing, plain, different styles, patterns, and more. There is so much one could do with an infographic, but it all depends on the type of audience one wants to attract. My two ideas are either for it to be simple or to be creative.

One idea I have is by making it simple. With making it simple, I want it to be clear, precise, easy to understand, and not to much so it is not boring. Some people prefer for advertisements to be simple, because some people do not like it to be too much. I asked a friend, and she told me she prefers for ads and promotions to be more simple, because she is a person who is simple and creativity is not what matters to her, but what the content is. 

My other idea involves creating it to stand out. Stand out involves bold letters, the size of the letters, and more color to make it stand out from other advertisements. Some people like creativity because it could represent how the business works. I asked several family members and they prefer creativity especially my sister, because she is a marketing major. She believes creativity stands out and attracts more people especially with social media, because social media is already so creative, make an infographic that is creative as well. I am choosing to make it creative by making it more colorful, bold, large, with many pictures to stand out. 

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