Thursday, March 15, 2018

MKTG 348 Week 9 - Keeping Up!

Everything today is always changing, because there always new rules, updates, inventions, ideas, and more. So, it is good thing to always keep up to date! Most people stay up to date with things such as a new phone that comes out, new software, things that are more relevant at the time such as new forms of social media, and many things. We are all always keeping up with new changes. So we should be keeping up with new forms of SEO and rules.

Being a business or company owner, you want to keep up with how SEO changes so you can change your ads or promotions or searches you have created, especially with Google. There are many different parts to SEO to keep up with such as the resources provided for you. Resources include the tools you need to create an ad or search, tools you can use to create keyword searches and how to track those keywords by how many users have used it. There are always new forms being offered, all you have to do is keep up with them to keep up with SEO.

Keeping up with SEO:

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