Sunday, April 1, 2018

BALT 318 Week 11 - Tableau

I downloaded the Tableau Public app, and I was navigating through to get the hang of it and watch different tutorials, but it was all very much confusing. I went through what type of files I could import, I chose to import a PDF file of my resume to test it out. They imported the data by columns and rows, so it was all very confusing after I imported it. I kept trying to figure out how to create and fix it after looking through videos, but it was too confusing, so I prefer to use the Canva site to create and infographic.

My data from my resume imported in Tableau:

Although I prefer to use Canva as an infographic because it is easier to navigate, I am glad I got to try this out to see what my preferences are. Canva is much easier to navigate and it seems like a better use to create an infographic, whereas Tableau does not seem like a good fit. Overall, it helps to know there are different ways and templates that are offered to give me more options to create an infographic.

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