Sunday, February 25, 2018

Surfing The Tsunami Week 6 - Adopt AI

Besides just learning about what AI is and what it can do, try learning more about hot work it and manage it. Better your knowledge of artificial intelligence. Instead of ignoring AI, start learning how to use it and as you slowly use it, you will learn more. The reason many people refuse to adopt to the idea of artificial intelligence is because they fear what it might do to our world. Taking the time to learn what you don't know, will help you better understand how you feel about AI.

They fear the idea of it taking over and losing on things such as culture, diversity, employment, knowledge, and more. They feel that they will miss out on so much. However, what helps is adopting to the idea of AI, because they fear something they do not know. If they take the time to learn how it works and actually use AI, they would fear it less. It doe snot mean they have to agree with AI, but it doesn't mean you don't try. You should not fear anything that you do not take the time to learn and understand. If they learn more, they could learn how to manage it and come to accept that it exists.

Fears of AI:

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