Thursday, February 15, 2018

BALT 318 Week 5 - Social Media Infographic

I tried redoing my social media infographic. I asked friends and family what they think I should differently. I had already created to keep it simple, so I did not want to make it more complex. They told me I should add more color to it to help it receive more attention. With more color and design it stands out the way social media does. Social media should have a bright and fun theme to it, nothing boring or plain. Social media is all about creativity, so that is why changing it and making it pop out compared to others, represents the idea better.

I decided to change the colors of the text and the lines. I enjoyed it because I got to learn more on how to use Canva by looking at new things I could add into my infographic. They offer so many designs, lines, patterns, colors, and more to add in your infographic. It allows you to explore so much to change your infographic to make it more appealing for others. Canva allows you to change it to meet your standards, which is nice especially when it comes to promoting and advertising. I chose mine to stand out, and to learn more instead of making something plain and simple, now more simple but with creativity.

Use of Social Media:

1 comment:

  1. I've never created a social media Infographic before.


    Anjana Rao
