Saturday, February 10, 2018

Surfing The Tsunami Week 4 - Do you believe in AI?

Artificial intelligence has been a topic that has gotten more and more popular over the years. Even though it is heavily discussed and thought of, the really question is do people believe in it or what it can do? Many people do not believe that AI could really take over the world and take control of the things humans do everyday. People do not see that we could allow technology to do the work we humans do in this world. They should believe in it, because it could lead to many inventions and ground breaking ideas for our future.

I believe that AI is growing and there is so much that they could take over. However, I do not think they would necessarily have control over everything, because there are many things we trust humans to do more than AI or robots. Sometimes it is hard to rely on technology because of malfunctions, technical issues, and more. There will always be a part of us humans that can only trust other humans to do the work, for example when it comes to medicine. People would not rely on technology, AI might not know feelings or emotions the way humans do. So when you cannot feel the same, why trust something you do not know? There are many things in this world that we will always rely on humans to do, but AI is real and it something people need to learn more about.

Artificial Intelligence:

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