Thursday, February 15, 2018

Surfing The Tsunami Week 5 - Adapting To AI

Many people are not sure how to respond to the idea of having artificial intelligence. One way to do it is by adapting. Sometimes it can be hard to adapt to something new or something that we do not understand. That is perfectly fine, everything just takes time, but it also takes effort. We cannot judge something we do not know about, so we cannot make up our minds or thoughts on AI, until we learn more about it or even use it. So, we just have to take the time to do a little bit of research and see what it is we already made up our minds about and we didn't even know what it exactly was.

Even if we do not understand AI, it doe snot mean we cannot take the time to learn. Sometimes all it takes is just doing a little research through the Internet. Researching anything about AI could help. You can learn many different things you did not know before. For example, you can learn more about its pros and cons, and if it is actually better or worse for society to have artificial intelligence. So learning new knowledge about something we do not know, can open our minds more and it may or may not give people a different view on AI, but at least they know more about it.

Adapting to AI:

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