Thursday, February 15, 2018

MKTG 348 Week 5 - Importance of Keyword Research

Thinking about the keywords you want to use in SEO is important, because those words are how people can find out about your company, brand, product, anything you want to see basically. Everything takes time getting used to, it all takes effort and lots of practice! When creating a campaign or advertisement you must create keywords that you know people would search, what would be most common. It is hard getting used to creating keywords for a campaign. Every time you create a new campaign, you have to think of new keywords to create so when someone searches those keywords, they can get to your campaign. If your keywords that you have created are not good enough, you can always change it to what people search for in Google. You can create new words that are more likely to be searched and led to your campaign. However, it is hard because there are so many things to think about when creating keywords.

Creating keywords can sometimes require creative thinking, because you cannot always just put some any keyword, it has to relate to your campaign to match what users are looking for. Your keywords should have a campaign that stands out from your competitors. So, do not only think about what keywords you are using, but your competitors as well so you can create more similar or better word searches to help bring users to your company over others.You want yours to get noticed. So it does take time to get the hang of creating keywords because there are so many parts to it to think about when creating them. It takes time, effort, and creativity, but it is worth it when it brings many users to your campaign.

Keyword Research:

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