Thursday, February 1, 2018

Surfing The Tsunami Week 3 - Is AI Becoming More Popular?

Artificial intelligence has been getting more popular throughout the years because we are advancing in technology very quickly. Since technology is advancing, that involves many things changing such as computers, cars, manufacturing, phones, companies, and more. Artificial intelligence is advancing along with everything. It is getting more power with newer and advanced technology. AI is learning from humans the way the world works and what we rely on most, technology. We teach AI to learn many new things, that AI is becoming more popular, reliable, and needed in many different industries.

We as humans, are helping AI learn new things and learn how to create and use the new technology of the world. In a way we are teaching a machine how to use technology. It is so strange just to even think about that. Artificial intelligence has so much power, capability, and reliability that we feel it will help us as humans to teach technology to do our work. We are teaching them how to build more of what we as humans have done for many years. In a way, it is like teaching our creation to create more of itself and to expand more on the future, where almost everything will be heavily relied on technology for use. We have come so far in technology that AI is expanding and growing rapidly.

What AI is advancing in:

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