Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Surfing The Tsunami Week 10 - Need of Humans

Despite what many people think about artificial intelligence, I do not think it will take control of us. I believe AI will always need the assistance of humans. With the help of humans, AI can receive the ideas and thinking of people with creativity and reasoning that is not always logical. Artificial intelligence is usually thinking more logical behind ideas and facts, with the help of people it can open up to new ideas and thoughts.

AI and humans working together can bring so many new ideas, innovation, technology, and creative thinking into the world. We can always help AI. It does not always mean it will take control and have more power than humans. It needs humans to keep going and to succeed. Bring humans and AI together will lead to so many future innovations and could help us all in the long run, so do not fear AI, but interact with AI.

Humans and AI:

Sunday, April 1, 2018

BALT 318 Week 11 - Tableau

I downloaded the Tableau Public app, and I was navigating through to get the hang of it and watch different tutorials, but it was all very much confusing. I went through what type of files I could import, I chose to import a PDF file of my resume to test it out. They imported the data by columns and rows, so it was all very confusing after I imported it. I kept trying to figure out how to create and fix it after looking through videos, but it was too confusing, so I prefer to use the Canva site to create and infographic.

My data from my resume imported in Tableau:

Although I prefer to use Canva as an infographic because it is easier to navigate, I am glad I got to try this out to see what my preferences are. Canva is much easier to navigate and it seems like a better use to create an infographic, whereas Tableau does not seem like a good fit. Overall, it helps to know there are different ways and templates that are offered to give me more options to create an infographic.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Surfing The Tsunami Week 11 - How AI Can Help Us

Many people feel that artificial intelligence can be dangerous, although it doe shave its risks, it also can benefit us! AI can gain and retain so much information beyond what the human brain could ever! So, why not have AI help us in the future as it gains more knowledge. It could help us advance in medicine, travel, space, and many industries that we have today! Sometimes if the benefit outweighs the risk, take the chance on AI and support how it can benefit us in the future.

I think AI can help us expand and invent on things we find difficult now. For example, they can help build new technology and even advance the medical field, They can create new inventions to be used for medical fields. For example, today they have created machines that can print out 3D objects, why not expand on that more, if it benefits the medical field which would benefit everyone else, it would help us, so why not do it! Artificial intelligence is growing and gaining more knowledge than many humans could, so why not use it to our advantage to expand on our future technology.

Benefits of AI:

MKTG 348 Week 11 - Getting Certified!

Getting SEO certified can benefit you and your company! Getting certified, helps train you and teach you how to create campaigns. When you create campaigns, you want a perfect campaign that grabs people's attention, you want people to click on your campaign, because the more people click on it and get attracted to the advertisement, the more success it will bring your brand. You want people to be intrigued by your ads, and to improve at them you would want to get certified because it helps expand your knowledge and give you more experience with SEO. It does take time and practice to get a great or perfect campaign running, that is where Google AdWords comes in to help!

Google AdWords teaches you what it means and how to create a campaign, learning from the company that created campaigning trough AdWords. If you choose to create a campaign with Google AdWords, why not practice with their exams, take the exams, and get certified. The exams teach you how to create your campaign and what to do to make it successful. Getting certified will help your campaign get more clicks, because it is created by someone who is certified with Google AdWords. Anyone looking to campaign, should attempt to get certified with Google AdWords! Google offers many exams, and I suggest taking them all because it only benefits you in the future and makes you stand out compared to to others that you know how to create the best SEO ad, this way it proves it!

SEO Certified:

BALT 318 Week 9 - Infographic Recreation

I chose to redo my social media infographic because I wanted to get more practice on it. Since, I will be using social media for Al-Quds Restaurant, I want to get more practice of how the perfect infographic in my opinion should look. My new infographic is below, I hope the more I keep changing it, the more I am experienced with Canva, and create a better infographic for Al-Quds Middle Eastern Restaurant!

This time I chose to write about how social media will help market better for a new business, especially a new restaurant. I wrote about how Al-Quds can use Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, three of the largest form of social media today, to promote their new restaurant and bring in more business and success! Social media is one of the best ways to promote and probably one of cheapest ways too!

Surfing The Tsunami Week 9 - AI Resources

There are many people who want to learn more about artificial intelligence, but do not know where to get that information. There are many resources provided for people to learn about AI. These resources include books, online websites, articles, journals, magazines, courses, and many more you just have to find out who writes about artificial intelligence. I believe one of the best ways to learn is by reading a book or taking a course on it.

A course or a book is best because sometimes you just want to receive information, with magazines and articles that can sometimes be more opinionated and more biased because it could be more based on the person who writes about it. To learn something is a process, it takes time. However, you do want to receive the best and most accurate knowledge of AI and how it works. So, sometimes reading about books that involve facts, data, and research could be the best way to learn about AI and being taught about it in courses that are offered. If you choose to learn about AI, you want to receive the best and most accurate information possible, so find the best option you believe is right.

Learning About AI:

MKTG 348 Week 9 - Keeping Up!

Everything today is always changing, because there always new rules, updates, inventions, ideas, and more. So, it is good thing to always keep up to date! Most people stay up to date with things such as a new phone that comes out, new software, things that are more relevant at the time such as new forms of social media, and many things. We are all always keeping up with new changes. So we should be keeping up with new forms of SEO and rules.

Being a business or company owner, you want to keep up with how SEO changes so you can change your ads or promotions or searches you have created, especially with Google. There are many different parts to SEO to keep up with such as the resources provided for you. Resources include the tools you need to create an ad or search, tools you can use to create keyword searches and how to track those keywords by how many users have used it. There are always new forms being offered, all you have to do is keep up with them to keep up with SEO.

Keeping up with SEO: