Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Surfing The Tsunami Week 10 - Need of Humans

Despite what many people think about artificial intelligence, I do not think it will take control of us. I believe AI will always need the assistance of humans. With the help of humans, AI can receive the ideas and thinking of people with creativity and reasoning that is not always logical. Artificial intelligence is usually thinking more logical behind ideas and facts, with the help of people it can open up to new ideas and thoughts.

AI and humans working together can bring so many new ideas, innovation, technology, and creative thinking into the world. We can always help AI. It does not always mean it will take control and have more power than humans. It needs humans to keep going and to succeed. Bring humans and AI together will lead to so many future innovations and could help us all in the long run, so do not fear AI, but interact with AI.

Humans and AI:

Sunday, April 1, 2018

BALT 318 Week 11 - Tableau

I downloaded the Tableau Public app, and I was navigating through to get the hang of it and watch different tutorials, but it was all very much confusing. I went through what type of files I could import, I chose to import a PDF file of my resume to test it out. They imported the data by columns and rows, so it was all very confusing after I imported it. I kept trying to figure out how to create and fix it after looking through videos, but it was too confusing, so I prefer to use the Canva site to create and infographic.

My data from my resume imported in Tableau:

Although I prefer to use Canva as an infographic because it is easier to navigate, I am glad I got to try this out to see what my preferences are. Canva is much easier to navigate and it seems like a better use to create an infographic, whereas Tableau does not seem like a good fit. Overall, it helps to know there are different ways and templates that are offered to give me more options to create an infographic.