Sunday, January 28, 2018

Surfing The Tsnuami Week 2 - Importance of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence, also known as AI, is so important to know because of its knowledge and ability. Especially with creation of robots, it could take over human intelligence. We rely so much on the knowledge of computers and technology. It can be good and bad. It can be good because it can help us and we ca n learn new things. However, it can also be bad because of the amount of power we give to it because we rely so heavily on it.

Artificial intelligence could help us increase knowledge and use of technology, companies, the automotive industry, and many more things that have relied on human intelligence. The more power we give to AI, could lead to more robots that have the ability to do the work of humans. For example, some factors already use machines and robots to produce and manufacture. So the more robots that could do our work, could put humans at risk of losing jobs and a life because we have relied so much on AI. AI is extremely important, because of the positive and negative affects it could bring to us, it all depends on how we handle it and the power we give to it.

Use of Artificial Intelligence:

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